
UDS Directorate of Education Conducts 2-day Gender Activism Workshop

  • To promote understanding of the introduction of the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) among Staff and Students of Colleges of Education in Ghana, The Directorate of Colleges of Education Affiliation of the University for Development Studies (UDS) organised a two-day workshop at the UDS Guest House on the Tamale Campus.
  • Below is as written by Salma Abdul-Rashid (University Relations) and published on uds.edu.gh with a few edits.

The workshop was specifically intended to help Principals, Secretaries and other principal officers of the Colleges of Education affiliated to UDS, to adequately understand all the requirements under the GESI and to be able to implement same at their various Colleges.

Speaking at the opening of the two-day workshop, the Dean of the School of Applied Economics and Management Sciences, Prof. Samuel Donkoh, who represented the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Seidu Al-hassan, stated that the GESI Action Plan boarders on Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 5 which focus on ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promoting Lifelong Learning Opportunities for all and Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering all Women and Girls, respectively.

He intimated that the Vice Chancellor has established a policy on Sexual Harassment and a Gender Center at the UDS. He added that, the cut-off points for admissions for female students had also been reviewed in order to promote gender equality and access to higher education.

He also advised the various Principals and leaders of both Colleges of Education and the University to promote equality among both genders and provide opportunities especially, for women and minority groups within their colleges.

The Director of the Directorate of Colleges of Education Affiliation, UDS, Professor Ebenezer Owusu Sekyere, briefed the participants on the significance of the workshop and the need to ensure that the GESI action plans are successfully implemented in the UDS Affiliated Colleges.

He added that although there is a strong understanding of GESI among the leadership teams and GESI teams, there was limited knowledge among teaching and non-teaching staff according to research.

He encouraged the various representatives of the affiliated colleges to participate in producing the GESI action plan not only for their schools but the public as a whole.

As part of the event, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, an annual international campaign by the United Nations to fight against GBV was launched by a lecturer of the Family and Consumer Science Department under the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, UDS, Ms. Formadi Patricia Fafa. She expressed her displeasure at the harassment some workers go through at their work places and how especially, women are being taken advantage of at their various places of work.

She added that the campaign against gender-based violence is targeted at liberating not just women, but men, people belonging to minority groups and all vulnerable people. 

The six (6) Colleges of Education affiliated to UDS are; Tumu College of Education, McCoy College of Education, Nadowli, Dambai College of Education and Gambaga College of Education.

The rest are St. Vincent College of Education, Yendi and Al-Faruq–College of Education in Wenchi.

Story by:
Salma Abdul-Rashid (University Relations)

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